Tuesday 25 May 2010

All done!

Project all completed!! Phew.....

Monday 24 May 2010


I first thought of my idea for this movie after watching this advert for land rover:


Cover design

I have now designed my cover for my dvd case will post this instead!

My Journey

I cant get my final video posted on to my blog which is annoying!!! will keep trying!

Wednesday 19 May 2010


I have now fully completed my movie and it has been burned on to a dvd. I have added credits on to the end and there is a menu at the start before the movie begins. I used an image of the cruise ship as the background for this.

Tuesday 18 May 2010


It took me quit a while to find a track to go with my video. I spent hours trawling through the music on imovie and garage band, but found that I would have to loop the music too much and it just sounded naff! So I decided to use 'Rebblion (Lies)' by Arcade Fire and luckily it fits very well!! I will post my video when I have finished editing.....

Monday 17 May 2010


I have now finished making my video!!!!!! I have made my pages more interesting by making the photos move on the page, drawing footprints and making different modes of transport move. Overall I'm really pleased with it :)

Wednesday 12 May 2010

i hate flash

busy busy busy!

I have bee very busy over the last 2 weeks as have had so much work to do! I have progressed with creating my scrap book - halfway there! I am now struggling with how to make it interactive.......